Boas-vindas do diretor
Sue Seneviratne foi nomeada para o cargo de diretora da Wyndham Vale Primary School em agosto de 2014. Sue veio para a WVPS de seu último cargo como diretora da Keilor Primary School, onde, sob a direção e orientação de Sue, os alunos obtiveram consistentemente resultados bem acima das médias estaduais . Além de ser uma professora treinada em Recuperação de Leitura, Sue também possui um Diploma de Ensino, um Bacharelado em Educação e um Diploma de Pós-Graduação em Bem-Estar Estudantil pela Universidade de Melbourne.
Sue e a equipe trabalharam duro para construir uma cultura no Wyndham Vale PS onde o respeito é a norma e onde a equipe e os alunos se esforçam para alcançar altos resultados acadêmicos e pessoais. O forte envolvimento da comunidade em toda a escola é incentivado, tudo dentro de uma estrutura de cuidado e preocupação com os outros.
Sue é apaixonada por estudantes trabalhando em seu potencial e preparando jovens para serem cidadãos bem-sucedidos, produtivos, resilientes e realizados, que contribuem positivamente para a comunidade da qual fazem parte. Os valores da escola de respeito, responsabilidade e honestidade ajudam a incorporar esse foco.
Sue Seneviratne
This week we have began working with Dianne Johnson from the Wyndham City Council. She is helping us develop the Wyndham Active Schools program at Wyndham Vale P.S. The purpose of this program is to encourage more students to walk, ride and scooter to school. We are also encouraging students to be dropped off by their parents at a short distance from the school, so students can walk the rest of the way. Walking riding and scooting to school is great exercise and will help with traffic congestion around the school. Many grade 5 students applied to become an Active Schools Junior ambassador. Three students were successful. Congratulations to Helen, Anahat and Ayden. These students will work with Miss Vandy, Dianne, the School Captains and the JSC to build up the program at the school. We aim to raise awareness about road safety and the benefits of exercise. We will be mapping out safe paths around the school, giving rewards to students who walk and ride to school, having school breakfasts for those that walk or ride and celebrating with a special day in which students can decorate their bikes, scooters, or shoes.
Habitat Heroes' Gardening Program
Today (13/9/23) was a beautiful spring day and perfect conditions to begin our school habitat garden. The JSC and school captains worked with Susie from Nature West Heroes Habitats to plant 70 grasses, trees, and shrubs in our garden. We have new planter boxes to grow vegetables and compost bins to keep our garden healthy. Each student that took part in our planting received a plant to take home and care for. We look forward to maintaining our garden seeing our garden grow!
Active Schools Program - Path Planning
The Junior School council and School captains of WVPS had the opportunity to work with the Mayor of Wyndham, Cr Susan Mc Intyre on our Active Schools program. With her guidance, we mapped out safe paths for students to use to travel to school via, walking, riding, or scootering. These paths will now be spray painted to encourage students to actively travel to school for fitness and to reduce traffic congestion around the school.